Installing a Universal Print compatible Print Scout
Installing a Print Scout running in a compatible mode for Universal Print is suitable for sites with the following scenarios:
- Sites with printers that do not support Cloud Release. Only HP printers support Cloud Release. This means that non-HP printers (Ricoh, Lexmark, KM, etc) will need to have at least one Print Scout in a compatible mode for Universal Print for the Universal Print integration to work.
- Sites with HP printers but prefer not to use Cloud Release.
For the scenarios stated above, the Print Scout pulls Universal Print jobs directly (in URI form) from Office 365 data storage and forwards them to the printer. The Print Scout redirects the print jobs to the physical printer.
Note: For HP printers with Cloud Release, the document proxy is responsible for retrieving documents from Universal Print and forwarding them to HP printers. Refer to the Deploying the Universal Print Document Proxy to Azure document for more information.
To install the Print Scout in a compatible mode for Universal Print
- Download the Windows Print Scout from the Discover > Print Scout > screen.
- Run the following from the command line PrintScoutInstaller.exe /printserver
Note: Print Scout in a compatible mode for Universal Print does not have to be installed on a Windows print server, you can install it on a Windows 10 workstation.